Gadget Cover
Technology, such as smart phones, tablets, cameras and laptops is an integral part of everyday life for many of us.
However much we may strive to 'travel light', gadgets are often an indispensable means of communication and also a tool to enhance and document your travelling experiences, whilst you're away.
As standard, our policies offer limited cover for mobile phones and other electronic and photographic items. Cover is subject to the total valuables limits outlined in the Baggage and Personal Belongings section of the policy documents and policy overviews. Some of our policies have an optional ‘Gadget Extension’ available which extends coverage up to a further £1,000, £1,500 or £2,000, including cover for mobile phones. You will see this as an option at the second stage of the purchase process. Please refer to our policy wording documents for further details of this cover.
Gadgets can keep you safe, help you navigate where you are going, capture an awe-inspiring sunset – or purely share a status update on social media to bring your travel adventures to a wider audience!
As well as being an integral part of your travels, they can also be very expensive to buy – and are obviously costly to replace or repair if they are lost , stolen or damaged. As part of the travel experience, you may be moving around between locations, carrying precious items in your backpack, using gadgets in challenging terrain or near water, plus visiting tourist attractions where there is an increased risk of being the victim of opportunistic thieves.
All of these added risks mean that it’s very sensible to make sure that you have covered your gadgets up to their true value, so that a mishap or problem whilst you’re away, doesn’t end up spoiling your travel experience – and you can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve protected your travel budget too.
All of our policies offer some cover for mobile phones and other gadgets under the cover for personal belongings, within the amount allowed for ‘valuables’. However, you may find that the cover limit for your chosen policy doesn’t match up to the actual value of your item/s.

Benefits offered:

- We can currently offer Bastion’s gadget cover under all of our policies except for our Emigration policies.
- There’s cover for repairing or replacing damaged, lost or stolen gadgets up to the value of £2,000 with a single article limit of £1500.
- Cover can be taken out for up to 24 months away from the UK.
- You can be reimbursed for unauthorised calls or downloaded data if your mobile phone is used by someone else.
- You’re covered for electrical and mechanical breakdown (except for laptops) which happens after a manufacturer’s guarantee expires. You’re also covered for accidental damage to all items covered by the Gadget Extension.
- Includes cover for mobile phones (including iPhones), satellite navigation systems, portable handheld games consoles, iPads, tablets, e-readers, cameras and portable DVD players, amongst other items. This policy is not suitable for drones.
Some important provisos:
Before purchasing this extension please ensure that you are aware that we can only insure gadgets that are:
- Purchased as new, in the UK, with evidence of ownership available
- Purchased as refurbished in the UK with a 12 month warranty which you will be required to provide evidence of;
- Gifted to you as long as it meets the criteria above and you are able to provide a UK gift receipt;
- Not more than 6 years old and 2 years old for laptops at the date you start your trip;
- In good condition and full working order at the time this policy is purchased.
- Have not previously been repaired using non-manufacturer parts.
One thing to note is that you may have cover in place for your gadgets, under your Home and Contents insurance, if you have an ‘all risks’ section, but this may not be valid outside of the UK for extended travel – check with your insurance provider.
If you would like a quote for your travel plans, and the option to add gadget insurance, please visit our quote page.